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News & Insights

Don’t Leave the IRS a Tip: The Importance of Tax Planning and Reviewing Your Return Thumbnail

Don’t Leave the IRS a Tip: The Importance of Tax Planning and Reviewing Your Return

You don’t give your money away for nothing. But that’s exactly what you do when you don’t take advantage of opportunities to minimize your taxes. One of the best ways to retain more of your wealth is to reduce the burden of taxation. And this isn’t something to deal with just once a year when tax day comes; ongoing tax planning can help you strategically reduce your tax bill so the IRS doesn’t get more of your money than they should.

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What Should You Do About Inflation and Stock Market Volatility? Thumbnail

What Should You Do About Inflation and Stock Market Volatility?

Some may be understandably nervous about their investments and their purchasing power. If you are worried about your portfolio, you’re not alone. But during stock market volatility, it’s important to keep a level head to avoid financial mistakes and remember that these corrections during your working years allow you to buy more shares at a lower price.

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Smart Money Moves to Make in Uncertain Times Thumbnail

Smart Money Moves to Make in Uncertain Times

As a nation still in the midst of a global pandemic, we’ve had many stark reminders of just how unpredictable life can be. When that unpredictability gains steam, we start seeing shocks to the stock market’s stability and the economy, as evidenced by increasing inflation, unemployment woes, supply chain issues, and plenty of volatility in the market. If all these ups and downs have you feeling anxious, you’re not alone. As we navigate continually uncertain times, here are 4 money moves you can make to feel a little more prepared for whatever comes next.

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