What We Do And How We Can Help
By Bryan Lee, CFP®, MBA
You don’t have to look far to find financial advice or so-called proven formulas that promise to bring you financial success. And while there’s plenty of general advice you would be wise to take, your finances don’t exist in a bubble. They are an extension of you, your values, your dreams, and your life circumstances; as such, they deserve a personal touch.
That’s where we come in. At Strategic Financial Planning, the driving force behind all we do is to offer highly personalized financial planning and wealth management advice that is built on relationships and specifically tailored to your needs. This is how we help you navigate your life journey.
What We Do
Strategic Financial Planning, Inc., is a fee-only, independent financial advisory firm located in Plano, Texas, specializing in helping you discover, design, and live the life you want by aligning your finances with your vision and values, creating true peace of mind. We know your life is busy and financial planning can get pushed to the back burner, but we believe that taking care of your financial future now will allow you to devote more time and attention to what truly matters in your life.
With our in-house team of experienced and professional advisors, we handle the total financial management spectrum—planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring. We save you time by providing leadership to assure your plan is coordinated and implemented with your other professional advisors, such as your attorney, CPA, or trust officer. We work hard to make your financial dreams a reality through personal, timely, and unbiased advice alongside a mutually beneficial, lifelong relationship.
How We Work
We use a financial planning process that systematically and objectively defines challenges and offers solutions. Because we believe in relationships with you as a person and not just your money, we take the time to understand you and what you want out of life. Once we understand your dreams, desires, worries, risk tolerance, and life situation, we can help you formulate specific, achievable, and measurable goals. We call this financial life planning.
Then the rubber hits the road and we develop a tailored road map, projecting your cash flow throughout your life. Once your plan is developed and implemented, the personalized attention and superior service you’ve already experienced continues as we monitor the progress of your plan and make adjustments that are needed as life changes.
Who We Serve
While we serve a wide range of clients from all walks of life, they have a few things in common. Our clients are intelligent, successful people who are passionate about reaching their goals but don’t necessarily have the time, expertise, or inclination to manage their finances themselves. They want to partner with someone they trust and connect with to delegate many of the financial aspects of their life. Whether they are just starting their career in their 20s or nearing the retirement finish line, they understand the importance and value of working with an independent, fee-only firm that looks out for their best interests—always. While our services meet the needs of people in various life stages or careers including divorcees and widows, we specialize in serving physicians, executives, business owners, and professionals since we can provide even more value navigating those complexities.
Why Clients Choose To Work With Us
Finding the right financial guide is about more than qualifications or experience, although those aspects matter greatly. Our clients tell us that when they met us, they knew they would be cared for. We listen intently, care about our clients’ lives, and do everything we can to protect their interests and put their goals first in every situation.
As CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals and fiduciaries, our mission is to help you navigate your financial decisions by providing you with unbiased, fee-only advice and doing what’s best for you as your independent advisor. You can rely on us to be there for you no matter what life brings your way.
Our Goal For You
We do what we do so you can have the financial strength to not only reach your goals but also to enjoy living a meaningful and fulfilling life along the way. If you want to get started on your financial journey, call (972) 403-1234 or contact us online to set up a complimentary get-acquainted meeting to see if we are a good fit!