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News & Insights

Does it Make Sense to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early? Thumbnail

Does it Make Sense to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early?

With record-low inventory, low interest rates, and high demand, the housing market is currently booming. Once the stress and drama of offers and counteroffers is over, you can finally enjoy being a homeowner—right? There’s no denying the hefty price tag, and as most of us are unable to purchase a house in full, we are saddled with a mortgage as soon as we cross the threshold. This debt is unavoidable, so how do you handle it moving forward?

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4 Ways to Help Your Adult Children Financially Thumbnail

4 Ways to Help Your Adult Children Financially

If you’re significantly financially supporting your adult children (not just slipping them $20 every now and then or covering the bill when you’re all out to dinner), you’re in the majority. A Merrill Lynch Age Wave survey of more than 2,500 parents shows that 79% reported helping their adult children financially—to the tune of $7,000 per year on average.

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It’s a New Year! Is it Time to Reevaluate Your Financial Plan? Thumbnail

It’s a New Year! Is it Time to Reevaluate Your Financial Plan?

A new year is often a time for fresh starts, intentional planning, and renewed motivation to conquer goals and accomplish things that are important to you. And after the year we just had, a fresh start is just what we need. As you transition into 2021 and all this year will bring, take some time to think about your long-term plans and reevaluate your decisions, especially in the following key areas.

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Five Financial Actions to Take Before the Ball Drops in 2020 Thumbnail

Five Financial Actions to Take Before the Ball Drops in 2020

If you want to put your head down and just get through the rest of December so 2020 can be over, we get it. In the midst of canceled plans, work stoppages or adjustments, complicated family decisions, and (as if that weren’t enough) financial challenges, many Americans feel like they haven’t had much control over anything this year. But there’s one area where your actions can make a big difference today and down the road: your finances. So even though there are plenty of unknowns ahead, follow through on these 5 financial actions before the ball drops on December 31st to give yourself a leg up.

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