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News & Insights

What We Are Thankful for in 2020 Thumbnail

What We Are Thankful for in 2020

While Thanksgiving became an official holiday in 1870, Americans have been taking part in this tradition of gratitude since the Pilgrims arrived on our shores. Since then, our country has experienced wars, depressions, natural disasters, social upheavals, and international crises, and still we come together at this time of year to remember what’s important and be grateful for what we have. This year, in the middle of a global pandemic and a charged election season, we think it’s more important than ever to celebrate Thanksgiving and turn our minds to our many blessings.

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See a Sample Financial Plan Thumbnail

See a Sample Financial Plan

While creating a financial plan is in a different category than buying a car or putting an offer on a home, we believe it’s just as significant of an investment. It’s important that you know what to expect before you commit to the financial planning process with a particular professional.

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Talking to Your Kids About Money Thumbnail

Talking to Your Kids About Money

Only 16.4 percent of U.S. high school students are required to take a personal finance course. It's up to you as a parent to teach your children financial basics. Here are 5 steps to get you started on the right foot.

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How Much Power Does the President Have Over the Economy? Thumbnail

How Much Power Does the President Have Over the Economy?

While it’s normal to hear about potential tax changes, jobs, and trade policies at this point in an election year, the impact of COVID-19 on our economy has made politicians’ promises to decrease unemployment, cut taxes, and increase GDP even more attractive. But an important question remains: How much power does the President truly have over the economy? Will their plans really make a difference?

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