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News & Insights

The Payroll Protection Program: Should I Apply, What Expenses Qualify, and Do I Choose 8 or 24 Weeks? Thumbnail

The Payroll Protection Program: Should I Apply, What Expenses Qualify, and Do I Choose 8 or 24 Weeks?

For businesses that received PPP loans when they were first available, the time to apply for forgiveness has either come or is fast approaching. For those businesses that have yet to apply, the clock is ticking to do so. Am I eligible to apply? What has changed? How can I qualify to get the loan forgiven? These are many of the questions we have been asked over the past few weeks, and we have put together some answers to help guide you in making decisions on the PPP loan. Even if you aren’t a business owner, perhaps you know someone who could benefit from this information and can share it with them.

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5 Steps to an A+ College Plan (in honor of 5/29 nationally recognized as College Savings Day) Thumbnail

5 Steps to an A+ College Plan (in honor of 5/29 nationally recognized as College Savings Day)

You have bills to pay and a retirement to save for. Even if the thought of saving for your child’s education has crossed your mind, how can you make it happen amidst the never-ending financial pressures in life? It’s tempting to put saving for college on the back burner, but as anyone with kids knows, the days are long but the years are short. Regardless of whether your child is a toddler or a teenager, you’ll be planning college visits and filling out applications before you know it.

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Finding Your Own Best Method of Thriving Through a Pandemic Thumbnail

Finding Your Own Best Method of Thriving Through a Pandemic

If you’re like most of us, you’ve suddenly found yourself spending much of your time at home. With the absence of commuting, socializing, or other outside-the-home activities, you may be wondering how you can make the best use of your time and develop daily routines that work well for you, while at the same time trying not to feel that you’ve found yourself trapped in that Bill Murray classic, Groundhog Day. Maybe try to pick just one or two of the below suggestions over the next week or two to help shake things up a bit.

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