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News & Insights

How to Handle These Uncertain Times Thumbnail

How to Handle These Uncertain Times

The amount of information and the speed with which it is coming at us is truly amazing. The COVID-19 virus has disrupted everything: the health and safety of ourselves, our friends, relatives, and clients, as well as the near-term stability of the economy and investment portfolios. We would like to thank so many of you who have reached out to check on us through this difficult time. Yes, we worry, but our mission is to do the worrying on your behalf so you don’t have to. We think a lot about each of you and we continue to look for ways to not only limit any damage of a market downturn but also to make sure you are all in a position to weather this storm as best as possible.

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What Should You Do About The Coronavirus And Stock Market Volatility? Thumbnail

What Should You Do About The Coronavirus And Stock Market Volatility?

The global financial markets have taken a dip this week over fears about the spreading coronavirus, erasing gains from earlier this year. Investors are understandably nervous about their money and their health, and if you are worried about your portfolio, you’re not alone. But during stock market volatility, it’s important to keep a level head to avoid financial mistakes.

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What We Do And How We Can Help Thumbnail

What We Do And How We Can Help

You don’t have to look far to find financial advice or so-called proven formulas that promise to bring you financial success. And while there’s plenty of general advice you would be wise to take, your finances don’t exist in a bubble. They are an extension of you, your values, your dreams, and your life circumstances; as such, they deserve a personal touch.

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Why I Became A Financial Advisor Thumbnail

Why I Became A Financial Advisor

When it comes to choosing a career, some people are drawn to certain jobs or industries because of a passion, a natural aptitude, or an exciting opportunity. For me personally, I entered the financial industry to follow an interest I’ve always had in investing and financial management. But once I got my feet wet in the job, I saw firsthand that while the industry was providing valuable services for people, it wasn’t putting the clients first. I wanted to play a part in reinventing how a financial services company can serve people better, making a positive impact on their lives.

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A Fresh Start in 2020 Thumbnail

A Fresh Start in 2020

The end of the year represents the perfect opportunity to reflect on the last twelve months and to review your overall personal financial situation. 2019 may have been a great year, or perhaps you didn’t accomplish as much as you would have liked. In either case, 2020 can be a fresh start, allowing you an opportunity to become more intentional about accomplishing your goals.

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